Untangling Faith & Church Related Trauma

The Christian cliches are not holding up. The Southern niceties and church culture have caused more confusion, pain and division than you know what to do with.

Recent interactions with Evangelicals have left you confused, hurt and deeply impacted your relationships with yourself, your faith and with God.

The last time you tried to go to a Bible study or service you had a panic attack. Now, the idea of going to church or faith related activity causes your chest to tighten and your heart to race.

You feel lonely and disoriented.

You find yourself questioning your entire worldview and your value systems.

Perhaps you are thinking about the impact of Patriarchy and race in the Church. You listened to podcasts, read books like “The Making of Biblical Womanhood”, “The Great Sex Rescue”, “Tell Her Story” and “The Color of Compromise” and you find yourself rethinking your views and theology of women, race, and power.

You are not sure where you belong or where you can talk about these layered topics.

You are not ready to walk away from God and faith, but you have experienced and been hurt by religion and you are trying to sort things out.

Perhaps you were (or still are) on staff with a Faith organization and are thinking through some of your experiences with peers and leaders.

It feels overwhelming to sort out through all the pieces.

You wonder if you are being dramatic or if you were gaslit and spiritually abused.

You need a safe place.

As a pastor’s kid who has had to unpack her own layers of spiritual abuse, I work from an evidence-based, trauma informed (meaning we focus on the what happened to you and how you managed) framework.

I am committed to offering safer spaces, with openness to adapt to what safety looks like for you.

I am mindful that certain words (like submission, suffering and sacrifice) have been abused in the name of God.

In our work, safety looks like meeting you where you are and giving you as much choice as possible. You will be able to decide IF, when and how much (if any) faith-based language and interventions as you choose.

If you want to a place to be real and sort through your baggage with your faith reach out for a consultation.

Ps: If you are easily offended by cussing, we may not be a good fit. I have been known to let some choice words fly when processing spiritual abuse with folks.

PPS: I do not offer Bible only Counseling.